March is Women’s History Month

Typically I post about these particular characters from the classic Christmas movies because I find them so relevant to contemporary life. The express purpose of this project is to juxtapose quotes from these films with related Biblical Scripture in order to familiarize women with the beauty and pertinence of Scripture. With a minimal paradigm shift, the ladies from these Christmas movies nicely fit into the topic of Women’s History Month. They have so much to say about life and relationships. We love these characters because we love their character. Armed with the information we obtain when we take the “Screen Test” associated with this project, we can connect with these heroines and find out what the Bible has to say about our distinctive personalities and how to share community with our Creator.

Coupling this information with devotional Bible studies like Seen and Loved and By Faith ( devotionals about New and Old Testament women from Moody’s in March 2023 and 2022 respectively) we see that the God of the Bible has always treated women with the esteem and respect we crave. Studying the Bible gives us documentation of:

Historic women whose names and stories are profiled in important genealogies (Matthew 1:1-6)

Deborah a judge and triumphant military leader (Judges 4 and 5)

Abigail a courageous mediator who defused dangerous tempers (1st Samuel 25-30)

The Queen of Sheba who ruled Arabia yet sought to discover the source of Solomon’s greatness (1st Kings 10:1-13)

Huldah and Anna esteemed prophets from whom the nation sought wisdom (2nd Chronicles 34 and Luke 2:36-40)

Esther a beautiful queen brave enough to bend the ear of a King (the book of Esther)

Multiple examples of successful women managing their livelihoods (Proverbs 31 and throughout the epistles)

Talk about a paradigm shift— to treat women with the high regard described in these Scriptures was a foreign concept to most cultures during Biblical times. It’s time we read the Scriptures for ourselves ( taking into account original language and cultural context) and not allow detractors to influence our thinking. The God who made us, truly understands us and gives us the recognition, respect and dignity we crave when we are in relationship with Him.

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