About and Permissions

An enthusiastic collector of quotations since childhood, I am a  happy wife, proud mother of two adults, and a veteran speech language pathologist. (It was the language part that hooked me in.)  While quotes from classic Christmas movies and Scripture are the focus of this periodical, no classic quote is outside the bounds of commentary.

Before writing the blog, the main focus of this project was to use the Screen Test and Character development information from the devotional, A Reel Meaning for Christmas (https;//www.redemption-press.com/shop/a-reel-meaning-for-christmas/) to personally  introduce ladies to Biblical Scripture. Ladies need to be reminded of God’s goodness  and His desire to share community with them. In light of the fact that  our gifts should be used to edify the Body, early on I was fortunate to be featured at some local church Christmas parties. But because of my goal to see this program available to  individual women  to host interesting and successful neighborhood outreach, the devotional book contained pages with instructions on how to achieve Home Party Evangelism based on these programs.  I am still thrilled to be invited to share these ideas in  gatherings at local churches and homes for personal neighborhood outreach.   Kindly see the Gatherings page for details and use the Contact page to inquire about a speaker for your church or neighborhood outreach in the suburbs of Chicago.



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